Sunday, January 4, 2015

Service Dog Training Day 4

January 4,2015-

Today, was a rest day all around for everyone.....Hey it's Sunday, and we woke up to not the brightest of days so we chalked it up to an added rest day for the pack!

Outside of some indoor workouts, we took it easy and just spent some time together.......

Skyler started her new therapy- in time we will be blogging about that BUT we want to record how things go and see for ourselves before moving on......we will do videos in the meantime though to be shared later.

I however, just rested up for my workout and training's going to be a long day, Pam has a lot to do from workouts to taking care of business in every which way......

I have a feeling we will be doing some more basic training....I hope we get to go out and about and hit up some stores before too long.

Okay, so I just wanted to check in with you all today.....
See you tomorrow!


Saturday, January 3, 2015

Day 3 of Service Dog Basic Training

January 3, 2015-

Every Service Dog needs to know basic commands, this means to sit and to lie down and to stay in those positions for awhile.....

Now this is my, Scouts,  more of less first attempts at training these commands with Pam so this will take time BUT with a little practice or a lot and time and patience I know in given time I will get it and be a great service dog to Pam no matter where we go!

What will we work on tomorrow?....I wonder....
Check back to see....

Friday, January 2, 2015

Day Two of Service Dog Training

January 2, 2015-

Today, we basically went over some basics, like heeling and sitting when told to do so.....

During out run earlier I did however get to go inside the bank with Pam. That was cool!

We walked through the maze, where people line up to be helped, we should do this again really soon. I need the practice although I think for my first time in the maze I did really well.....

Walking in our setup below may have helped out a little as we have the poles to walk around and an area to make turns etc....and practice heeling with little interruptions.....

When we were in the bank one of the employees came to greet me, I jumped up and Pam had to mention he is in fact in training and he shouldn't be allowed to jump so please give him a NO, and not to let him jump!......Yet another thing I need to work on......

Here is us working today:

Can't wait to see what is in store for tomorrow!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Day One of Scouts journey to a be a full Service dog.....

January 1, 2015-

I am Scout and this blog will be story on how I handle my training and what I am put through and what is required of me to become a full pledged service dog for my human companion, Pam!
Yesterday, my friend Pam (that is her)......
went down and registered me with the local offices to get my service dog tags. Here in NY there are no fees for service dog licensees and all. There are a lot of things about being a service dog, let me tell you a few things:

Regarding Accessibility: "No person shall be denied admittance to and/or the equal use of and enjoyment of any public facility solely because said person is a person with a disability and is accompanied by a guide dog, hearing dog or service dog."

Interference "Any person or legal entity, public or private, violating any provision of this article shall be guilty of a violation."


Licenses/Fees no fee for any license issued for any guide dog, hearing dog, service dog Identification dog must be harnessed



Trainers "Persons qualified to train dogs to aid and guide persons with a disability, while engaged in such training activities, shall have the same rights and privileges set forth for persons with a disability in this article."


Summary New York law requires that a specially trained Assistance Dog be allowed to accompany a blind, deaf, or disabled person or trainer to all public accommodations and common carriers. Extra charges cannot be made due to the presence of the dog, but if the dog causes damage to the premises, the dog user is liable.

Here is a little taste of my first day of training:
Here we started to work on sitting on command, we want to be SURE we have it down pat!......And staying and coming when called.....we want to be sure we are safe ourselves and that we will not interfere with anyone around us. Also heeling when we walk, or in our case (being that we run a lot) Pam wants me to walk side by side when working. This is going to take a lot of practice for me BUT I know I can do it.....I just have to listen to what Skyler tells me because if anyone can teach me Skyler can......Oh and Pam!
Skyler is always watching my every move and teaching me right from wrong, she is so smart!
Check out tomorrow's blog to see what is next in our training!